Tomas Sala abre os Jogos Nórdicos de 2023

Tomas Sala, the creative mind behind ‘The Falconeer’ and ‘Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles’ Was invited to open the Nordic Games 2023.
The Nordic Game Conference is held each spring in Malmö, Sweden and is the leading game conference in Europe.

We even managed to get a sneaky picture of Tomas opening the event.

Tomas is a solo developer who is passionate about the games he creates, but also about the video game industry as a whole. He calls out
against AI-generated content and believes the key to survival as an indie artist is to focus on creating valuable intellectual property that is hard to reproduce.

Working with developers, like Tomas who trust you as a publisher and have a shared vision builds a space where creativity can blossom. If you are not following him on Twitter for his thoughts and insights. You are missing out. Follow him HERE.

You should check out BAFTA nominated game ‘The Falconeer’.


Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles is a city-building game from Tomas. He decided to release it as an ever-evolving demo. This means if you hit the link below. You can play Bulwark right now.

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