Mirren, Mirren on the Wall ft. StephofAnime | Ep #08 | Wired Unplugged

Episode #08 of Wired Unplugged sees the return of vinyl superstar Steve to discuss the finer logistics of cat food shipping, E3, Monkey Island and more!
There is also an all new monthly segment spotlighting streamers, starting with Stephofanime (that is a lot of s words)

Featuring :
– Anime
– World premieres
– Pokémon
– The trick to the perfect pizza
– And what the hell is a Nuzlocke?

Encontrará más vídeos, streams y making of de series en el menúWired Live.

¿No quieres verlo? Encuentra la versión en audio podcast en todos tus hangouts habituales, o simplemente escúchala a continuación a través de Spotify... ¡tú decides!

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