


Today we are announcing a whole lot of Lumote news!
Starting with a confirmation that Lumote: The Mastermote Chronicles has a launch date confirmed of March 24th 2022! And what’s more, the game will also be available on Google Stadia on DAY ONE! That’s right, the Stadia community will be able to join us at the bottom of the Great Depths on launch!

We’ve just dropped a launch date trailer where Michelle Rocha from developer Luminawesome Games takes you on a tour of the depths themselves and introduces you to some of the motes you’ll meet along the way!


Oh, and there’s also the matter of BEING ABLE TO PLAY LUMOTE RIGHT NOW ON STEAM! Yup! You can take Lumote for a squishy test drive this very second on Steam and get a taste of what awaits you on March 24th! (Don’t forget to wishlist once you have!)


But wait! That’s not all!

We also have announced that there is a double vinyl featuring the work of award-winning composer Paul Ruskay! The vinyl takes listeners on a majestical electronica journey through the Great Depths. The stunning score communicates through music the key moments and emotional states of Lumote, deep and trance-like, the soundtrack is a monumental adventure from start to finish. Limited to 500 pressings, the Lumote: The Mastermote Chronicles Double Vinyl, featuring meticulous illustrations from artist David Sossella, is available to pre-order now via the Wired Productions store for £35 / $45.


One more thing?

Oh go on then! The newest episode of ‘Lumote Illuminated’ is also up RIGHT NOW on #WiredLive for you to watch! Check out the latest episode for even more background info on the wonderful world of Lumote!


Okay! That’s it for a whole lotta Lumote news! Watch the release trailer and Episode 2 of Illuminated, and don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel for future #WiredLive content!

Go give the demo a spin on Steam (and that wishlist button is SO SQUISHABLE – do it!) And don’t forget that if you prefer your games in physical form, you can get the game in physical and a host of bonus extras on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch on the Wired Store!

Keep an eye for the next episode of Lumote Illuminated next week and we’ll be waiting for you in the Great Depths on March 24th!

