Kyle, Michelle, Arn and Paul created what is maybe the cutest character ever... In Lumote Illuminated players can dive into the creative minds at Luminawesome Games and learn how they transitioned from the early stages of Lumote into the final release of The Mastermote Chronicles. Built with pure passion the small and humble team have delivered a game that touches you through its visuals, sound and of course gameplay! Dive in and learn more from the team themselves!

Lumote Illuminated | Ep 1

Kyle, Michelle, Arn and Paul created what is maybe the cutest character ever… In Lumote Illuminated players can dive into the creative minds at Luminawesome Games and learn how they transitioned from the early stages of Lumote into the final release of The Mastermote Chronicles. Built with pure passion the small and humble team have delivered a game that touches you through its visuals, sound and of course gameplay! Dive in and learn more from the team themselves!

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